Honeybee Wrap
"HoneyBee Wrap originated in our family kitchen in the Northern Rivers near beautiful Byron Bay. Having a big family, with 5 children I was always looking for greener alternative to preserve our food fresh without the use of plastic. That is until I started making and using reusable bees wrap! To this day you can still find our little factory in Mullumbimby! Our reusable wraps are still made in this beautiful region making our HoneyBee Wrap 100% Australian made and manufactured. In fact, our commitment to sustainability doesn't only stop at making an environmently friendly alternative product but we also give back to our community by employing locals and buying locally sourced ingredients. We also give away our byproduct fabric waste which is recycled. And each year we help a number of schools and community projects by fundraising their green activities. If you have a green idea we would love to hear from you!"
These reusable food wraps are made with 100% organic cotton, natural Australian beeswax, organiccoconut oil, tree resin and Australian jojoba oil. One of the reasons why these beeswax wraps are of the highest quality on the market is because they only use the best ingredients. Starting with 100% certified organic cotton (GOTS certified) with low impact dyes. This means that the cotton is grown without the use of chemical and pesticide.Did you know that cotton is the most widely grown crops in the world, growing conventional cotton is also one of the most chemical-intensive?These reusable beeswax wraps are actually so green that when you are finished with them you can put them in your worm farm or compost bin!